Electronic Aids to Daily Living

Electronic aids to daily living, Also known as ECU (Environmental Control Unit). These are a means to interact and manipulate one or more electronic appliance as: a television, radio, CD player, lights, and fan etc. This is accomplished using voice activation, switch access, a computer interface, and adaptations such as X-10 units.

A controller of a powered wheelchair can be interfaced for accessing electronic appliances.

Controlling electronic devices is usually with ultrasound, infrared, AC wiring throughout the house, and radio frequency.

What is the most appropriate Electronic Aid to Daily Living?
The end user should have had the opportunity to be evaluated and practiced using different systems. Someone will be responsible for training the end-user, and probably his/her caregivers how to use the system. The EADL should meet the end users primary needs, and any long-range goals that might have been stated. The system should also be fairly easy to assemble, be trained to use, and easily maintained.

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